Wednesday, Dec 1, 2021

BIOTEXFUTURE is celebrating its two year anniversary today! Starting off as one out of four innovation spaces BIOTEXFUTURE continuously has been working on making its vision of converting the textile value chain from petroleum-based to bio-based come to life. As an innovation space funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (“Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung”, Germany) BIOTEXFUTURE has three main objectives:  

  1. creating a bio-based raw material basis for plastics that is holistically sustainable,  
  2. achieving application in the textile industry from the biopolymer to the manufacturer of the complete textile.
  3. reinforcing the overall societal transformation towards a bio-economy from a social and economic perspective.  

United in these three objectives are seven projects currently running and four projects starting at the latest in January 2022. These projects conduct research on substrate/material development, technical product and process development, textile finishing, circular economy and the societal transition towards bioeconomy. Their specific project foci range from algae-derived biopolymers for the application in textiles (ALGAETEX) and the development of bio-based finishes for high-performance textiles (BIOCOAT) to areas with a stronger societal spin studying success factors and ELSI aspects of biotextile innovation for a societal transition to a bioeconomy (TRANSITIONLAB).  

BIOTEXFUTURE, however, has not only grown in number of projects, but also in terms of its overall members. In total, 70 members have expressed their support of the BIOTEXFUTURE vision and their interest in participating in joint projects. These members come from diverse backgrounds such as companies, universities, and research institutions.   

In 2022 BIOTEXFUTURE will grow further and become more diverse in its project portfolio as it has recently published an open call on project proposals. Furthermore, members will have the chance to exchange ideas and network at the BIOTEXFUTURE Member Day on May 19, 2022. The public will also get an update on the innovation space at the BIOTEXFUTURE Forum one day before on May 18, 2022. Thus, BIOTEXFUTURE is in full swing and will continue to CREATE THE CHANGE. If you are interested in becoming a member please find more information here.  


The latest news

ISPO 2024 – BIOTEXFUTURE X Material Lab Wednesday, Dec 18, 2024
BIOTEXFUTURE Fall Forum 2024 post event report Tuesday, Dec 17, 2024
BIOBASE – final project report Thursday, Dec 12, 2024
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