
Recycling technology for wool waste to reintegrate it into a circular textile cycle.


Currently, wool recycling methods mainly use hydrolysis and oxidative splitting to extract keratin, which is then combined with petroleum-based polymers to create synthetic fibres. These methods are unsustainable and heavily reliant on non-renewable resources. CircWool aims to develop an innovative chemical recycling process to convert wool waste into synthetic protein fibres without petroleum-based additives, promoting a circular textile economy. The existing wool recycling techniques present several quantifiable deficits. The high costs and dependence on non-renewable resources for fibre production are significant issues. These methods have a substantial environmental impact due to the use of petroleum-based additives and inefficient recycling techniques, resulting in a larger carbon footprint and increased waste. By focusing on solvent-based recycling, CircWool will enhance the value of wool, reduce waste, and create sustainable, high-performance fibres. The project will help to reduce the environmental impact of textile production, provide biobased and recycled materials for the industry, and support the transition to a circular economy.


The goal of the CircWool project is to develop a chemical recycling process that converts wool waste into high-performance synthetic protein fibres, thereby promoting a circular textile economy. Within the one-year project duration, the main objectives are to create a solvent-based recycling method that dissolves wool waste and processes it into valuable synthetic protein fibres. Additionally, the project aims to produce a new type of fibre made from pure keratin or keratin combined with biopolymers or recycled polymers such as cellulose, glucans, chitosan, or recycled acrylic. By utilizing regional wool materials, CircWool will support local economies and provide biobased and recycled materials for the textile industry.



The CircWool project is structured around six main work packages. First, we will assess consumer acceptance and requirements for the new fibres through social experiments, workshops, and social media surveys, ensuring the fibres meet market needs and preferences. We will focus on collecting and categorizing wool waste. This involves the management of the material preparation, sorting, and evaluation to ensure a consistent feedstock for recycling. A material flow analysis will be conducted to evaluate the scalability of the recycling process, ensuring it can be applied widely and sustainably. A solvent-based process to dissolve wool fibres will be developed to create a pure keratin solution that can be spun into new fibres. We will perform a parameter study to optimize the wet spinning process, ensuring the produced fibres meet the desired quality standards in terms of fineness, strength, and cross-sectional properties. By developing and optimizing these processes, CircWool aims to reduce wool waste, create sustainable textile fibres.

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