GXY is dedicated to the design and programmability of collagen polypeptides produced biotechnologically by recombinant protein synthesis in a bioreactor. GXY has decoded the unique collagen composition of a biological tissue, the goldbeater’s skin, which has historically been used as a high-performance textile. We follow the methodology of ‘reverse engineering’ to mimic the property profile of the native tissue using biosynthetic proteins. For GXY, biomaterial properties such as stretchability, tensile strength and self-healing capabilities are programmable at the genetic level. An already identified, novel structural element in the gold beater skin serves as the centrepiece for the design of a minimal sequence. Protein engineering is used to develop a biocompatible and collagen-containing fibre protein optimised for textile applications. Using molecular biological processes, microorganisms are genetically modified in such a way that they produce this polypeptide minimal sequence – a process that is already used industrially on a tonne scale to produce enzymes. The protein mass obtained can then be spun into functional fibres and yarns.