


Due to the large number of variable parameters for the textile construction and the resulting properties, spacer fabrics are attractive for the use in countless areas of application. As a result of the three-dimensional structure, these textile substrates are often used as cushioning elements. Increasingly, there are requests from industry to replace foam components with spacer fabrics.  But does the substitution also bring an improvement in terms of sustainability? Though growing range of new yarn materials is promising a more sustainable level of production, but still, the majority of textile production relied on products of fossil origin. The reasons for this are various. Tight order deadlines often challenge developers to master the balancing act between the search for new resources while maintaining quality standards. Often, the approach of a sustainable product solution already dies with the selection of a suitable yarn in order to avoid the risk of reduced functional reliability.


The aim is to develop an application-specific process description for the development of circular spacer fabrics that can be used on an industrial scale and adapted for other areas of application. Over the project period, available materials are to be catalogued[1], tested and compared with the determined requirements of a wide variety of spacer fabrics from the upholstery sector. As part of the project, a demonstrator from the sportswear sector is to be created for a predefined performance comparison.

BioCushion Visualized


Many material- and application-based studies exist. Focused on one scientific sub-area, these reports often only provide us with solution approaches that we have to put together ourselves like pieces of a puzzle in correlation with other design parameters in order to achieve an optimal product result. If the transformation to a holistic and sustainable product development should succeed, this resource-intensive process must be simplified for companies. For this reason, the BioCushion project team has set itself the goal of establishing a development guideline that focuses on the circularity and CO2 reduction of the product (semi-finished) and removes the hurdle of selecting an environmentally friendly yarn. The planned work of the consortium is primarily intended as fundamental research, which will set a milestone for the further development of existing spacer fabrics into more sustainable options (incremental innovation).

Project Partners


Caroline Gierke M.Sc. Project Lead
Dr. Tsvetelina Stoilova Deputy Project Lead
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