The innovation space BIOTEXFUTURE consists of projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) within the framework of the “Nationalen Forschungsstrategie BioÖkonomie 2030”. BIOTEXFUTURE is part of the funding program “Innovationsräume Bioökonomie”.All research projects work together to achieve the overarching vision to convert the textile value chain from petroleum-based to bio-based.
The BIOTEXFUTURE pioneer projects deal with substrate and material development, product and process development and textile finishing. In addition, new projects – and thus also new partners – can be added during the duration of BIOTEXFUTURE. Right from the start, the project portfolio includes a project to ensure the transfer of project results to society (e.g. by the use of real laboratories) and a Project Management Office (PMO) to ensure professional programme management.
Partner consortia with a new project idea can apply for funding based on the open calls. The Steering Committee will assess the content of the project proposals. The project management organisation Projektträger Jülich (PtJ) is responsible for the formal administrative assessment. The projects are managed by the PtJ like regular BMBF-funded projects. All project partners must join the Innovationsbündnis and become a member of BIOTEXFUTURE.